We have been at war. Granted, it is not what we would define as a regular war with men and women in uniforms, running across a battlefield with bullets whizzing by them and cannons firing to demolish buildings. We are fighting a disease and our militia consists of those in the medical profession. Their uniforms consist of scrubs, gloves and masks. Their ammunition is made up of ventilators, needles and medication. Exhausted but determined to bring this war to an end, they fight daily to destroy the enemy and restore some semblance of normalcy to our society. We, the civilians who are not on “the front lines” tune in daily to hear the reports of our victories as well as the number of casualties. Just as our families did their part in previous wars by buying war bonds, enduring rations of food, planting victory gardens and going to work in war plants, we must do our part by sheltering in place, staying inside, social distancing and doing anything else we can to prevent the spread of this disease. What is being asked of us now is a much smaller sacrifice than what was asked of generations before us. We shall overcome this specific episode in our lives and we will be stronger and wiser for it. Thank you to all of the health care workers for what you do day in and day out. Your discipline and diligence to conquer this, nurse people back to health and help restore order to our lives is awe inspiring and you are true heroes. Superman, Batman and other superheroes have nothing on you. Thank you for all you do!

D.H. Cermeño
A third generation Florida native, D.H. Cermeño is the award winning author of Coffee & Cedar and Rising Sunsets. In his spare time, he loves to entertain family and friends at home, enjoy a cigar over good conversation, volunteer in the community, and support local theatre. DH has traveled extensively throughout Europe, Asia, and Central America and especially loves visiting his extended family in the northern part of Spain. He currently resides in Winter Park, FL.